Welcome to UFYM. Are you ready to Activate Your Spirit and Awaken Your Soul? Spiritual Teacher, Soul Activator, The Energy Muse, Zak Lioutas takes you on a journey towards your Higher Consciousness through easy to follow techniques that can shift your life and open up doors of opportunity. Life is Energy. We are Energy. When you get into the vortex of energy through your creation, there is nothing that can stop you, achieve what you want. You are the Energy source of your Manifestations and Life. Let's not forget how to have fun on our healing journey of the heart. Unfuck Your Mind and allow for the Universe and Your Actions do the rest.

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Monday Apr 05, 2021

In this episode we speak about a word that was tossed around in 20/20 and it got me reflecting on my life. The word we will be speaking about is "oppression". I discuss how the word shrinks our spirit and elevates our ego to more suffering.  I speak about how we allow others to oppress us into a version of who they are and not the truth of our sovereignty, how to dissolve oppression and how to shift it to something more empowering for our own self.  Check out our blog  at www.bfuclub.com  and OUR NEW Store at https://bfuclub.com/store/  Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Monday Apr 05, 2021

In this episode we speak about self-worth. How do you see yourself? How do you allow others to communicate and treat you? Your worth is important to creating a magnetic force of achieving your manifestation and creating a life that you desire.   When you see how worthy you are of love, money, relationship, you start to step into something more empowering about yourself.  Take a listen and shift your perspective about yourself and how you create the life you want to create. Check out our blog  at www.bfuclub.com  and OUR NEW Store at https://bfuclub.com/store/  Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Monday Apr 05, 2021

In todays episode of 21 days to Un&ucking Your Mind, we speak about self-doubt. Self doubt holds you back from really allowing yourself to grow, evolve and become who you want to become in this present moment away from the past journey you have been through.  Listen to the episode to learn how to overcome self-doubt and give yourself permission to be your authentic self.  Check out our blog  at www.bfuclub.com  and OUR NEW Store at https://bfuclub.com/store/  Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Monday Mar 22, 2021

In this podcast, we get into the feelings of your new narrative. Shift the mindset, identify the feeling, recognize the path and step further into your higher consciousness. This step is the most crucial one to unfuck your mind. The greatest untold secret is the feeling of all things, as man allows himself to numbness by living a robotic life. Check out our blog  at www.bfuclub.com  and OUR NEW Store at https://bfuclub.com/store/  Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Thursday Dec 10, 2020

These 6min all of humanity should hear and listen to attentively. In this podcast, we are giving what either, you want to take or continue to pay for the life you're living. There is no mistakes in life, there is no writing off 2020 its all planned. There is a reason why this is happening to humanity, it's a matter for humanity to see past their own shadow and lies to see the truth that is playing out before them. Man is powerful, yet man sits on their shadow of fear allowing for others to be the conductors of their life and falling to the feet of the perpetrator. There is no secrets to life. Man hath his own secret, yet man sits in his own fears giving away his energy to a powerless force of dark light.  Are you ready to change the tone of your symphony or change your choir or you going to allow it to continue taking you down a path that is undesirable to your soul.  You have a choice, no one else can play in your symphony if you don't allow them too. This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends, blends that transcend your spirit and dissolve your ego back into the soil. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020

In this podcast we speak about the Power of Affirmations and how to say, do and be your Affirmation with Authority. It's one thing to say affirmations, most of those affirmations hold no merit to your soul. I have revealed the so called secrets of how to say affirmations and how to become your affirmation with ease, grace and knowingness, dissolving all ego out of your way.  I channeled in  affirmations to help you with the health of your Body, Money, Relationship and Spirit. Share with podcast with women you know are going through a difficult time in their life. Considering the conditions and state we are pressed up these days, everyone can heal and love themselves just by what they are telling them self. This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends, blends that transcend your spirit and dissolve your ego back into the soul. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn    

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

In this podcast we speak about BOUNDARIES. Are you tired of people pleasing, allowing vampires to suck life out of you? Are you tired of being the "YES" woman, and trying to make sure everyone around you is taken care of, meanwhile you want to crawl back into bed exhausted from allowing others to determine how your day goes and where your energy flows.  Are you tired of being tired? I teach you a technique that was taught to me by my big brother Jesus, it took me years to perfect boundaries. 2020 was the year I got serious of who I allow into my life and who I am taking out of my life permanently, at this point, its time to put YOURSELF FIRST. Putting yourself first may feel foreign to you, just like anything it becomes easier when you practice your boundaries and allow your inner lioness to roar fearlessly, confidently and empowered. Its time to get you off the pastures and get you in your truth, boundaries are one of the secret ingredients to your success.  This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends, Meditation Series. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn  

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

In this episode I speak about Fear and all the different levels of fear that you may be holding onto, that you may not be consciously aware of.  I pose many questions in order to make you think more than man will allow you to think these days? We (spirit and I) ask, are you a lioness in a sheep, thats ready to come out and roar, or do you still want to walk the pastures with all those that are powerless and fearful? You have the option of how you want to live your life. Will you continue living your fear?  Will you plant your seed of faith that was given to you? You have the power to choose which way you desire to go, make a wise choice, for your spirit is always there to take you on a wild journey, and your ego is there to keep you in mediocrity.  This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends, Meditation Series. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Thursday Dec 03, 2020

In todays podcast I speak about social distancing, which has been going on since the day these devices were brought into our hands, yet this terminology is new to our mind and has made many think that if you don't social distance you will catch a disease or virus from man himself.  Man is physically distancing himself and told to sit in a circle like cattle in a farm as the spirit is feeling sad within, as it needs that sense of touch to feel, love, nurture and protect one with another.  Who is it that you really need to distance yourself from? Who is it you need to bring closer into your life? How does not being around other humans feel to your soul and spirit? This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020

In this podcast I speak about staying home, home is where the heart is, where the mind is and where the soul resides.  What is it you need to do in your home to find greater refudge, awakening and bliss.  We also move onto the mask, what I call the muzzle. Where in your life are you neglecting speaking up and creating arguments to be heard. Where should you be the observer of your life, and not allow man to take away your inner peace. This podcast is brought to you by www.beboldfierceunstoppable.com essential oil blends. To receive 25% off all products, use discount code UFYM25 Connect with us on our socialFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn


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